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Ohio's gateway to local tradition


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    Directions to the Amish Door

    From Columbus

    An easy drive two hours north on 71, east on US 30 and continuing east on US 250. When you get to Wilmot, follow the signs in!

    From Cleveland

    Take 77 South until you pick up 21 South and OH 93 South. Follow US 62 West and watch for the signs to lead you the rest of the way.

    From Akron/Canton

    Follow 77 South to US 250 West until you get to Wilmot. It's that easy.

    From Cambridge / 77 South

    Hop on 77 North, then take US 250 West until you find Wilmot. An hour and change.

    From Wheeling

    Follow the signs to stay on US 250 West until you pick up 77 North. Exit at US 250 West and keep cruising to Wilmot.

    From Pittsburgh

    Take US 22 West for about an hour, then continue west on US 250 and keep on as it merges with US 800 North. Take 77 North and head west on US 250.